About two months ago, we started re-designing the dashboard. We finished it a few days ago. When you have a significant number of people using something on a daily basis, it becomes a bigger and bigger decision to change things they are used to. This was more than just redesign since we changed whole structure and added a few more new features. Check out our new design.
Site Dashboard
Backup Preview
New Features
We implemented a lot of new features that we will discuss them in a separate blog post. Here are some of our new features:
Sending only email domains
Google Cloud does not allow outgoing emails on standard ports, that`s why we implemented a simple way to add email sending service to your WordPress site.
Private Load Balancer
Private load balancer powered by Google Cloud allows you to scale your website on a global level, getting almost the same speed as Google AMP and can handle 1 million requests per second. We will write an article how to use it, that`s why to subscribe to our blog.
An easy way to share your website with your developer/s. Also, you can share SSL, Email or DNS zone, or in simple words, everything that your developer need.