Business ModelDeveloper perspectiveBusiness perspective
Pricing Typefully pay-as-you-goplan-based billing
Pricecheaper compared to any other high-end WordPress hostingmore expensive compared to pay-as-you-go
Features Pricingno plans or upgrades, everything is includedfeatures are subject to fee or plans differ e.g CDN, staging environment
Automated Tasksmoving to HTTPS, email integration, changing the primary domain and morezero
Flexibilityno plans, upgrades or tricky limitsplans are inflexible, limited to any segment and upgrading is costly
Cloud ProviderGoogle Cloudcheap cloud VPS provider and only a few use GCP or AWS.
CDN ProviderGoogle Cloud CDNMaxCDN, KeyCDN
DNS ProviderGoogle Cloud DNSstandard DNS and only a few use enterprise DNS e.g Route 53
NetworkGoogle Premium Networkpublic routing
Web ServerLitespeed EnterpriseApache/Nginx
CachingLitespeed EnterpriseNginx/Varnish
Other CachingOPcache, Object-Cache, ESI, Distributed cachenone or just network level Object-Cache
PHPLSAPI ProcessGroupFastCGI
Securityclosed network infrastructure using open-source and commercial securityopen networks infrastructure using basic open-source security